It was so very cute for Felix and Jarvis to meet their grandparents from England, we did loads of things with them showing them around Sydney, our parks (because Granddad's a bird watcher, Felix has been walking around all day with Jarvis's binoculars, reminded me of Granddad Steve), beaches, the zoo, the Australian Reptile park etc. It was really great to show them around, as now when they read the boys blogs, from England they will be able to visualise what they have been up to.
Felix is now 14.5 months old, its such a cute age - while I'm writing this blog Lee and Jarvis are sleeping in the front room and Felix is wandering up and down the hallway giving me hats, shoes, books anything he can pick up, laughing and then going off to find something else - its very cute!
His hair is getting very long but we don't want to cut it because when he has his first hair cut he won't be our baby anymore, silly I know but he's our wee baby boy. His hair is getting lighter in the sun, its straight with a wee curl at the back (just like Lee's - little mini Lee).
He's still feeding at nights, I do want to start weaning him soon as I'm sure he will sleep better once we do (I'm just too tired to bother as yet). As Jarvis wasn't breast feed I actually have no idea where to start with weaning, any advice? My sister weaned her first two relatively easily, but is still feeding baby Kate. I'm sure the first two weaned so easily as she was pregnant with the next, I don't want to try that tactic, two is enough for us - any other advice would be welcomed.
Felix got his 12 month jabs last week (late I know), the doctor weighed him and measured him, she plotted him on the graph and told us he is underweight? Now we could understand this with Jarvis as we have always (and still do) had to follow him around with food to make sure he eats whereas this wee fella eats anything you put in front of him, or in front of Jarvis or leave on the floor - he's an eating machine, he definitely isn't skin and bone like his brother, in fact he's quite a stocky wee man - I challenged the doctor saying her scales must be wrong as there's definitely nothing wrong with Felix's appetite. I'm not worried about it as he is just fine, just amused me as if anyone is underweight in our house its Jarvis Tahi.
Thanks to Nanny Ronnie and Granddad Steve to coming to stay with us, we all had a lovely time and it was very special for our precious boys to meet them!!
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