Friday, July 27, 2007

Our Babies Come Home

Jarvis and I went to the hospital this morning to spend some time with Adrienne and my new son Felix. Adrienne was looking wonderful, having had the chance to shower and recover some from the birth. Felix was looking good too, though it was hard to see him, as he'd been on his Mumma's boob solidly for the last 24-hours, which apparently is normal.

Later on in the afternoon Jarvis and I went to the hospital to collect our precious babies to bring them home. I have to say that the system here in Australia is fantastic and we've absolutely nothing to grumble about, with the way that we were handle with the birth and care of wee Felix.

The little man did grumble a bit though about going into his car seat, but after a couple of minutes he'd settled in well. Then about one-minute later he was taken out of the car seat asleep, as we'd arrived home to see the fantastic display of balloons, ribbons and streamers that Jarvis put up in the morning.

Felix is still pretty much on his Mumma's boob full-time, but Adrienne tells me that it will be less painful once the milk comes in fully, and he can fill up in a shorter time. But fingers crossed, this round I think we are on track with the breast feeding and I even gone out and bought Adrienne some Guinness, as I've heard that it helps with the feeding. I'm not sure though, does it bring on the milk or lessen the pain of the sore nipples?

House Dad.

1 comment:

serious said...

welcome homw felix and what a great big brother you are going to make jarvis, soooo looking forward to seeing you all in a few weeks. love nanny