Sunday, July 29, 2007

Poo Wee

Firstly, thank you for all the comments and emails that we've received over the last week, either congratulating us on the arrival of Felix or giving some wonderful advice on breast feeding. I think we have about 70 unanswered ones in our in-box, but once we find our feet, I'll get replies off to everyone. Plus the calls too from home, to let us know we are on TV2's 'My House My Castle' tomorrow night at 8.00pm.

Adrienne is still in an awful lot of pain with the initial stages of breast feeding, but several people have suggested we try Lansinoh lanolin cream, which I picked up this afternoon. Adrienne has applied it a couple of times, so fingers crossed it might offer some relief. It seems to be standard though, for there to be lots of pain in the first week or two of breast feeding and then we are told that thankfully it becomes second nature. One thing for sure though, Adrienne ain't' letting me near them puppies for a long time yet!

I did a couple of nappy changes today and it's good to see plenty of wetness and green stuff, which must mean that something is getting into wee Felix. It's so funny to be changing such a wee little person, who is so light and all skinny, like a very tiny chicken.

I managed to get some close-up pictures of little Felix and we both agree that we can't, as yet, see either of us in him. If anything, he looks a bit like Adrienne's brother Brenton. I'm not sure what I've contributed to both my sons, as it look like Adrienne has the dominant genes in both of them. Ah well, at least I do the housework and stuff!

It's now 10.55pm and I've done Jarvis' blog and Felix's too, so I'm off to join Adrienne and Felix on the sofa to watch some TV. As expected, Felix is active mostly at nighttime, which is lucky as I've stockpiled Adrienne heaps of DVDs to watch over the last year. She's already knocked off the excellent first series of Dexter already and has just started on the first series of Prison Break, with another 44 episodes to go. Then it will be the first series of Heroes and then I think we'll revisit series one and two of the fantastic Weeds. And if we do all of those, it will have to be our favorite, series one, two and three of Lost again. But if anyone can recommend any other quality series that we'd like, please let us know. It's not like we have a life anymore you know :o)

House Dad.


Girlie said...

Lee, have you seen HOUSE, MD? It's a good series. Also, Gilmore Girls and Grey's Anatomy.

If you're not squemish, there's CSI (the original one), or if you like funny, I highly recommend MONK.

I haven't seen Heroes myself.

Anonymous said...

When I was in the hosptial trying to breastfeed my first baby Katie, now 15, a midwife told me something that I never ever forgot. She said "Breast feeding is the most natural thing in the world - it just doesn't come naturally"

Katie never latched after 3 weeks of trying, and expressing every feed until then. When I had my twin boys they took to it like a fish to water. So no two situations are alike. Take care and all the best Adrienne.
