Friday, August 3, 2007

Bean Bag Baby

It's funny how much more relaxed we are with our second and subsequent little people. Like this morning as we were getting ready to go and visit our good friends Jane, Tommie and Sophie. Adrienne was more than happy to clean her teeth, put on some make-up and do her hair with Felix strung over her shoulder, something she'd never have done with Jarvis. Likewise, as Adrienne did some stuff with Jarvis, I set about getting our baby/little person bag ready for the trip and gently put Felix snuggly into a bean bag. He really enjoyed being in it, I guess as it's warm and fits the contours of his body and head. He was so happy that he didn't make any sound for long enough for me to forget where I'd left him. It was a shock that only lasted about 5-seconds as I scanned the room saying to myself 'Shit, where'd I leave him?"

Felix got loads of attention on his first trip out every to meet our wonderful friends Jane, Tommie and Sophie, who delighted in giving him loads and loads of cuddles. Sophie in particular couldn't keep away from Felix and would have been happy to cuddle him all day long.

Jane too was getting all cluckey and mentioned having another baby (this is where Don goes WHAT!) Jane, as is her way, gave us heaps of beautiful presents, not just for Felix but also for Adrienne, Jarvis and me. Jane truly is a wonderful and beautiful woman, who brings such happiness into our family.

Right time to go and see where I've left Felix this time!

House Dad.


Girlie said...

I have learned that "wearing" my baby with a sling or Maya wrap was the easiest and peaceful way to go about my routines. I really love my wrap because I can hold my baby and still do things like fold laundry.

Girlie said...

I forgot to say that Felix is beautiful!