Monday, September 10, 2007

Hanging With My Dah

Felix has had a lot of time with his Dah over the last few days, due to Lee hurting his hip while training for his next run, so I've had a lot of time to play with my Jarvis. We had a lovely home day last week, where Jarvis and I did lots of baking, playing, drawing and generally just hanging out. We managed this, as Lee had Felix for most of the day, which was brilliant.

I take my hat off to women (Men stay at home too Ade - Lee) that have the kids at home by themselves, with their husbands at work. Its been brilliant that we are both home with our two boys and we are still very busy.

The other morning I left Felix in his bouncer in the play room, with Jarvis playing, to go to the bathroom, I was gone for about 1 minute and came back to Felix screaming. I asked Jarvis why Felix was crying, to which he replied 'I hit him', Felix had a mark on his head where Jarvis had hit him. I explained to Jarvis that while it was good that he was so honest, its not a nice thing to do.

Everything else is progressing well with Felix with him being 7 weeks old tomorrow already. I recall the 6 week mark with Jarvis, as it was when it all got easier. Felix's 6-7 week period has gone so much quicker than Jarvis's, I know its due to it being a lot busier with the two boys, but I can see my 6 month maternity period just flying by, so I will remember to enjoy every day of it, as I'll be back at work before I know it!.


1 comment:

Bex said...

That is one cute baby!