Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ticking Along

Thanks for the messages that have been left regarding Felix, I do appreciate any advice. We have purchased some gripe water and we will give that a go - thanks.

Felix is doing well, he is now 9 weeks old - I can't believe how quickly that has gone! He had his 2 month injections today, as expected, he wasn't impressed, but he only cried a little as we have heard in the past that if they receive the injections while feeding, it can be less traumatic for them, so that was the trick I tried and it seemed to work.

We had a lovely week last week, one of the the highlights being the picnic in the park with Jarvis, Felix and I. We went out to give Lee some space and as it was a lovely day ventured to the park with a picnic, we sat under a tree and Felix was happy as just sitting there looking at the tree moving in the wind. We spent 2 hours at the park, Jarvis and I playing and Felix chilling out - he's such a cruisey baby, I'm sure this is due to us being more relaxed with the second but he's so relaxed, which is lovely.

We also went into work last week to introduce Felix, unfortunately we didn't get around everyone as the boys all needed feeding so we had to leave. Felix is spending some time at work by himself this week, as I have a lunch to attend to celebrate my 5 years with the company and our good friend Manz is going to watch him while I go do lunch. Hopefully he will be happy to just be cuddled and past around the office, but if not I'll just be up the road at the restaurant and I can come back - I will let you know how it goes.

Jarvis seems to be coming around to Felix, at least he's stopped yelling at him. He now yells at me when Felix cries 'he needs feeding, put boob in his mouth', he's a funny wee boy!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Felix, from your aunti Nefni & Uncle Gareth in Glasgow, Scotland. Xxxxxxx