Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Finally Acknowledgement

Jarvis is finally acknowledging Felix, he was playing with Lee and Felix yesterday showing Felix his toys. When we are out and about Jarvis is very quick to introduce Felix to everyone, 'look its my baby Felix', the next comment is generally 'he cries, boo hoo'. We were in the library yesterday and there was a Dad with his boy and baby, Jarvis went running over to them and said to the baby 'come baby, come and see my baby Felix', I said to the Dad shame he doesn't talk to his own baby to which he replied isn't it always the way, his toddler also doesn't talk to his baby.

Felix is developing his own look now though he does look alot like my brother Brenton which is unsettling sometimes when breastfeeding I can see my brother looking up at me - its just not right! You will see from the below photos he's got a beautiful little face with lovely hazel/brown eyes - we will see if they stay this colour.

Felix had some more time at work last week, I had a meeting so asked one of the girls Christine to watch him while in the meeting, she jumped and the opportunity and actually asked that I go in for more so she can play with him. After my meeting I returned to the office to find Felix surrounded by girls from the office playing with him, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I didn't return......well the probably would at feed time.

Daylight savings took effect last weekend in Australia which is great as now instead of our day starting out at 4am its now 5am which sounds alot better.


1 comment:

MaryL said...

Morning to the Giants family -saw your heights on Jarvis's blog!

Having some computer problems is quite boring, but it gives me the advantage of seeing the wonderful toddler & baby growing up (I realize it better since I can't read the blogs everyday because of my computer problems!!!)

Keep living your wonderful life and lives, you are just great!

Sending you some free hugs from France,
