Monday, January 28, 2008

Back At Work Mumma

The first week of being back at work is now completed, and as I have said earlier, the first couple of weeks are the hardest as it takes awhile for everyone to get into new routines. Surprisingly my first week back at work wasn't too bad, of course I missed my boys terribly, but it was good to be back and to catchup with everyone. The Management Team was away this week, so I got the whole five days just to walk around and see how everyone is getting on. It took me the whole week to get all my 'stuff' back, while I was away I lost my desk, my computer and phone were redeployed and my credit card cancelled - believe me, I wasn't feeling 'the love' on my return. I only managed to rearrange the office on Friday to have a desk and I now have all new stuff.

The boys coped really well this week, though Felix still won't take the bottle. It seems the Nuk bottle was a short lived success. He has been taking some fluids through the sipper cup, but only about 20-30 mls. I did discuss this with the midwife and our Doctor and neither of them seemed too concerned, so long as he's having his solids, yogurt etc which he is. In saying that, his mouth is ready and open for me when I come through the door. I have been running home from work, its only 6k and it takes me between 40-45 mins which is about how long public transport takes anyway. As soon as I come through the door Felix spots me and tries to latch on, the poor wee boy is thirsty! We will see how he gets on over the weeks to come, hopefully he takes more fluids as he gets used to it all.

I thought Jarvis would of struggled with me returning to work, but he seems to be coping well. We have Bex helping Lee out on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, so he still has someone to play just with him, which I think this has helped immensely.

I loved being home with my boys for six-months, it was a brilliant , but I can't believe Felix is six-months old already!!!


1 comment:

david santos said...

Hi House Dad
A beautiful place here!
Excellent post! You are Master.
Thank you.
have a good day