Saturday, July 28, 2007

Adrienne Turns To The Booze

Wee Felix started his first full day at home today, with some peace and quiet, as Jarvis was at the park with our buddy Anne and Dah was in the yard cleaning up all the balloon and streamers. The peace didn't last too long though, as a few neighbors came round to check out the rumors that we had a VERY cute new little man in the house. it was nice for Adrienne to show her wee man off, plus one of the visitors Sarah from across the road, explained to Adrienne all the troubles she'd had breast feeding her wee man Thomas. I think Adrienne took comfort from this and from the chat with her sister Tracey back home in New Zealand who called too. It seems that breast feeding can be a very tricky and EXTREMELY painful thing to start off.

One piece of advice that Sarah did give Adrienne was to drink Guinness, which they both agreed might just be an old wives tale, but I think Sarah might, just like our Adrienne enjoy a couple of drinks. So yeah, even if it doesn't work, hey you get to have a nice cold pint at eleven in the morning. I even tried it, and as you can see from my face, I found it digusting, plus being tea-total, got very pissed on the one sip and completely messed up my laundry washing in my drunk condition. Those that know me well, will know that I don't have a low tolerance for alcohol, I have complete ZERO tolerance.

As mentioned though, Adrienne is finding the initial stages of breast feeding extremely painful, so much so, that she has to bite down on a piece of wood, to stop from screaming in agony. I have to leave the room, as I find it very upsetting to see the woman I love in such pain :o(

Jarvis, who is taking a little while to warm up to the new addition to our family, ventured to touch his little brothers fingers tonight, which is quite a big step. We'll let Jarvis come to terms with Felix coming into the family in his own time, as I'm sure in the years to come, they'll be the very best of mates. And you never know, might even both be All-Blacks at the same time :o)

House Dad.


Melissa said...

OUCH .... we feel for you on the brestfeeding issues as this house has just experienced mums shrieks as baby Aaleaya gets on and feeds.... If you can bear it and persist it DOES get easier to the point it is second nature. take care and hang in there. xxx He is just adorable and you are a goergous looking family..!

Anonymous said...

Kia Ora guys,
Congrats on the new addition!! I have been checking in to your blog every now and again since you appeared in the treasures mag and started one straight after reading the article. Lately I've been checking in a little more regularly since i found out that Adrienne and I had the same due date. I'm still waiting around for our arrival but it's been good to see how you guys have been going, especially Jarvis as I am wondering how my 2 year old is going to go with the new addition. You guys are a great family and Felix is just going to add to that :)
Well I hope you don't mind a msg from a random stranger but all the best from The Hilliards out West.

Bex said...

Oh my gosh, I remember going through some pain as well, but after being fine for a few weeks first. I spoke to a breastfeeding specialist through Parents Centre, and she told me not to use any support under Cole when I was feeding him (I had been using a tri pillow) because it would help get him into thr proper position for feeding. To be honest I can't remember if this actually helped, or whether it was just perseverance! I also tried nipple shields which were a load of crap - they didn't work for me anyway. And cream, can't remember what it was called but think it was a lanolin cream, safe for baby too. I would be in tears almost as soon as a feed started, but not remembering it now I guess is a bit like giving birth, a defense mechanism so you'll do it again!!!! Sorry I can't be of more help, Bex.

Girlie said...

I remember the pain of the first two weeks of breastfeeding. It will go away...I think she can safely take Motrin...ask her doctor about that.

Beer doesn't do it for me for more milk. It's getting enough sleep, and rest...also, have you heard of Fenugreek? It's herbal, and I haven't tried it until Yoash.

Yoash is now 16 months and I still have milk due to fenugreek tablets I take, it comes in tea form and smell like molasses.

When I had sore nipples, it's important to air dry the nipples after each feeding. Also, instead of washing it with soap and water, just rinse it with water, then let some milk dry over it. Hopefully, it will be all gone by second or third week.

Anonymous said...

Well done and congratulations! Sorry that I went AWOL for three weeks and totally missed reading your blog (but I've caught up now!) My sister Therese, who is a lurker on Jarvis's blog, told me that Adrienne had given birth to Felix Rua! So here I am, checking the cutie pie out ; )
About the breastfeeding... it gets better with time. If you're worried about supply, I did try Weleda breastfeeding tea (but it tasted too much like grass clippings... even looked like cut grass, lol). Then I tried their Lactagogue Oil, and that worked much better (check it out at - healthfood shops in Aussie should stock their stuff, too).

Awesome news!