Monday, July 30, 2007

Felix Has His First Midwife Visit

Jarvis and I went out today to give Adrienne and Felix some quiet time, as we both tend to make lots and lots of noise. While we were out Adrienne and Felix had their first visit from the local Midwife. The first visit was at home, with subsequent check-ups being held at the local Early Childhood Centre, which is staffed by Midwifes.

Felix came through with flying colours, as the Midwife informed us that normally a newborn would gain between 150 - 200 grammes a week and Felix has put on 300 grammes, in three days. So yeah, something is coming out of Adrienne's boobs, probably neat Guinness! He's grown from 50cm to 56cm in that time too, so we might be looking at a future Tall-Black, so might have to send him back home to spend some time with Uncle Judd :o)

Felix also did his first trans-Tasman video conference tonight, so that Aunty Erena in Whangarei could check him out, via Skype. I'm still shocked that Erena and I both managed to work out how to do the web cam thing!

So yeah, all seems well and on track in The World of Felix Rua.

House Dad.

1 comment:

MaryL said...

Hey HouseDad, baby Felix, Mum and Jarvis,

Can't wait to see your 2 lovely boys performing the haka...

You should go and check at some Sport Shop at the Darling Harbour (I can't remember the store, but when I have it, I'll post again!) ; so in that store they had cutie ABs jersey for new-born (including one all white -the opposite of the real ABs jersey)

You should hurry before baby Felix is too tall -I don't think it's the Guiness, I think it's the Southern Hempishere genes (you are all tall down there!!!)

Got to go
Love you all 4 ;)
