Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Boy's Doing Well

Apart from giving his Mumma very sore nipples, there's not too much to report about Felix. He seems to be very content and only cries when it's time for a feed. He doesn't really get much time to cry any other time, as he's either asleep or in the arms of one of his parents. We've never really been the sort of parents to let either Jarvis or Felix cry, as we just love being with them. That's just our choice and NOT for discussion 'Concerned Parent Of Two.'

Felix received some lovely gifts from our old coffee group friends back home in Auckland. Just to remind of us where we are from and not to get too comfortable here on Australia, all the gifts were NZ themed. Our beautiful friends even made the effort to send something for Jarvis too, so that he didn't feel left out. And the presents kept on coming this morning too, with some arriving from Felix's Aunt, Uncle and Cuzzies in Nelson, and from the Miller's in Whangarei. Thank you guys, you are ll so kind and generous.

Felix also got a cuddle from Scott our direct neighbor, who is Jarvis' hero. Luckily Jarvis didn't see this, as he'd be so unimpressed, as Scott is Jarvee's mate.

So yeah, Felix is fit and healthy, putting on weight at steady rate, sleeping well and not looking at all like either of his parents!

House Dad.

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