Thursday, August 9, 2007

Stand In Black

Felix had his first trip out to the Eastern Suburbs this morning when we caught up with our Paddington buddies at Parsley Bay. It's still amuses us, as to how more relaxed we are with Felix, as opposed to how we were as new parents with Jarvis. As this morning, we just threw the basic essentials into the car and headed off.

It was a bit windy at the beach, so when Felix needed a feed, Adrienne went back to the car to do the business, while the rest of the clan played on the beach. I can't wait until Felix is up and active and splashing in the water with his big brother, it'll be so much fun.

Jarvis is still not that taken with Felix, but is coming round very, very slowly indeed. We did have a little play on the sofa tonight, that started out with me holding Felix while Adrienne helped Jarvis with his dinner. He spotted me holding Felix and squeezed in between us. I just kept cool and asked Jarvis to show Felix all the wonderful animal noises he could do. He tended to favor the rather loud and in your face dinosaur impression that made Felix jump, but it's a start of hopefully a little more interaction and acceptance over the coming weeks.

This evening Manz came round with some wonderful gifts for Felix, the best of all being an All Black suit. It's the next size up from Jarvee old one that he wore today, so perfect. Then when I'm home next weekend, I can buy him a bigger size so all the whanau can be wearing black with pride during the Rugby World Cup.

House Dad.

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