Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Check Up Time

Felix, along with his big brother Jarvis, had a visit to see the local Midwife this morning in Leichhardt. Felix was totally nonplussed by the whole experience and only really woke up when his cloths were removed. Prior to that, he'd been fast asleep and totally content on his Mumma's shoulder. Anyway, his development is coming along nicely, though after the first week where he put on a whopping 300 grammes has slowed a bit, with only a 150 gram increase. Not sure why, but we are not worried.

Anyway here are his most recent details:

Weight: 4.2 kg

Head circumference: 38cm

Length: 55cm

So yeah, he seems to be healthy and happy and pretty much content with is lot in life so far. He's latching onto his Mumma's boobs OK, and Adrienne told me that it hurts less now, which for me, is so nice to hear, as It really upset me to see her in such pain. Adrienne seems to have enough milk coming through now and the nipples are not as sore, so yeah fingers crossed, everything is going OK with Felix Rua.

House Dad.

1 comment:

MaryL said...

And along with Jarvis the back comes Felix, the pack ;)

Message to Adrienne : you are very lucky to have such an understanding hubby. He has raised the 'understanding from hubby -level' pretty high... You are blessed (and your two young men will be at the right school with a man like him)

Good night,
