Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Chugging Along

Felix is now 1-month old and is chugging along nicely with his growth and breast-feeding. He's still not really developed any kind of sleeping pattern and keeps his poor Mumma awake for most of the night, as he seems to be permanently latched onto her boobs. Adrienne seems to have got the breast feeding sussed too, so thank you for all your wonderful comments, words of encouragement and advice.

At this stage there's little to say about his daily developments, as he pretty much just eats, sleeps, wees and poos! But he does all of those pretty well. His neck seems to be pretty strong, as he hold his head up for quite a long while, as he checks out his surroundings.

Adrienne's previous post showing a picture of both boys at about the same age in their All Blacks baby grows is just plain freaky! It could be the same baby couldn't it. I was shocked when I saw if and could pick who was who. I wonder if he'll have his big brother Jarvis' hair too. OMG, I've just had a scary thought, what if he's a wired as his big brother as well! Jeeze, that will be fun trying to keep pace with 2 x Mr. Whirlwinds.

House Dad.

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