Sunday, August 26, 2007

Looking Good In Green

It's pretty easy to update Jarvis', Felix's big brothers blog each day, as well, we do lots of stuff. However I'm struggling to write stuff about Felix. He's doing well in the growth department, sleeps in short bursts and seems to have mastered, along with his Mumma, breast feeding, but yeah, it's hard to know what else to write at this stage.

I can tell you though that he's started to smile lots for his Mumma. Sadly, I've not had a proper smile yet, mainly as I don't get too much time with my little man, as I'm constantly keeping his big brother Jarvis entertained. I'm sure I'll get a nice big smile soon enough.

I did have a special moment yesterday when I managed to sing my little boy to sleep. I'm not a great singer, but I plugged my iPod into the stereo and thought I'd play some soothing old school Crowded House. Felix seemed to like it and when I sang Into Temptation to him, he dozed off into sleep in my arms. Very touching indeed.

Felix had a trip out on Saturday to the Shire to see some friends and looked dashing in his new green suit, which his Aunty Annie got for him. And today he looked cool in his blue suit, but sadly it wasn't new, just a hand me down from big brother Jarvis. Felix had better get used to hand me downs, as he's going to get heaps of them over the next couple of years. Sucks being the younger child aye!

House Dad.

1 comment:

MaryL said...

watch out baby Felix, you can be an All Black (&you will) but not a Wallaby!!!
Anyway, I'll still cheer on you if that ever happens ;) but don't tell your dad :P