Saturday, August 18, 2007

Felix runs the household

We've had a relaxing day today, Felix has pretty much been on the boob all day so we only ventured out for a couple of hours to the Italian Forum for lunch and an ice cream.

Felix then lost the plot and we had to come home to feed for a couple of hours, we think it must be another feeding frenzy!

As we haven't alot to report on Felix I have uploaded a couple of pictures for you to compare, the first one is Jarvis in his All Black suit the second one is Felix - do they look alike??



MaryL said...

hello handsome!
you look so cute in your outfit! don't forget to wake daddy up during the world cup nights, he'll love you more ;)

Lovely outfit ;)
Good week to the whole family ;)


Anonymous said...

Goodness me! Your boys look like twins in those pics of them in the All Blacks jerseys : ) I reckon they're a mixture of you and Adrienne...