Tuesday, September 4, 2007

And In The Red Corner Weighing In At 5 Kilos

Felix had his six week check up this morning and we were keen to see what his weight was. I know the breast feeding is going well, as he is growing out of his clothes and the nappies are always wet and dirty, which are signs of getting enough to eat. However, it's always great to find out that he is growing well. He is now 5kg and 56 cms, he's very alert, smiling and talking away to himself. He has reached all the six week milestones, so that has put our minds at rest.

I always tell people that the first six weeks are the hardest, as this is a time that the routine is being sorted out, and I do feel like Felix is getting into a routine now. He's still sleeping from about 7.30pm to 1.00am, but as I have said before, the night feeds take sometime, as he does get wind and it takes time to bring it up.

The weather has been beautiful with a temperature of 28 degrees last week. This has meant that Felix is living in singlets and he hasn't used a lot of his brothers clothes we had in NZ, its just too warm, so we have packed them up to send onto another relation.


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