Sunday, September 2, 2007

Adrienne Updates

We have decided on a change of writer for Felix's blog, Lee can never think of what to write as Felix is basically on me constantly so we decided I will write his blog for now.

Felix is coming along beautifully, he's had a busy week with his first trip to the beach and the botanics. Of course he doesn't remember either event as he slept the whole time however he did get lots of cuddles from Jane and Anne which is always a bonus. We are starting to get into a routine with the feeding and sleeping, this week Felix has been in bed (the cot which is a major achievement as Jarvis never went in the cot) by 8pm every night and waking for a feed around 2am and then again at 6am which is great. We have had a couple of nights where the 2am feed takes around 2-3 hours as he does suffer with wind which hurts his wee belly and can take some time to bring up. Jarvis had reflux when he was a baby and with it projectile vomiting, Felix doesn't appear to have this as the vomiting is only minor but he does have the wind.

He is growing beautifully, unfortunately I had to cancel the 'early childhood' checkup on Tuesday when we were going to get him weighed (due to a shocker 3 hour winding night) but we have rescheduled for this Tuesday so we will see what he put on. I know he has grown as he is growing out of his clothes, he is now in 3-6 months clothes.

Felix was being really cute last night talking and smiling away, I said to Jarvis look how cute he is, should we keep him or give him back - unfortunately the answer was 'give him back', Jarvis is still coming to terms with his world being turned upside down but on the upside he does now include Felix in our story telling and he gets very territorial when other little people try to say hello. We went to the library in the week and there was a preschool there with about 8 little girls, they all crowded around me feeding Felix to have a look, Jarvis pushed them away saying 'no, my brother', hopefully this means he will come to terms with the change.



MaryL said...

good to read HouseMum's posts too :)

I won't be a lot online during the World Cup but I have started a Worlc Cup diary so come& read it :)

I love your two mini All Blacks ;)
Love to you four,
From France,


Shosh said...

Felix is so beautiful. Looking at him makes me want to have a 6th child, if I could. Plumbings broke however. I really need to send Felix's blanky which my little boys picked out from gymboree. I hope he gets it before he stops needing it.