Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Celebrating Felix's First Christmas

Felix has celebrated his first Christmas, it just another day in his world. He got some lovely presents but as per usual with little ones he was more interested in the wrapping paper and boxes than the pressies. He took great delight in watching his hero Jarvis open his presents, running run around with his new toys.

Felix is now rolling everywhere, its so cute and he looks so proud when he's up on his arms looking around. He does however manage to get stuck in places. Especially when he's in his cot without his safety sleep on, he gets stuck in the bars poor wee mite.

We've been trying to get Felix to take the bottle over the last couple of weeks as I return to work in under 4 weeks now but so far he really isn't keen. We've tried a couple of different teats on the bottles. Lee has tried feeding him and even our friend Vanessa from down the road has tried to feed him but so far no luck. My sister suggested vegemite on the teat as she had heard that works, he loved the vegemite chewed away at it until the vegemite was all gone but then stopped and spat the bottle out. We will keep trying, any advice would be appreciated!


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