Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Felix Meets NZ Family & Friends

We have just returned from a lovely 2 weeks in NZ introducing Felix to our NZ family and friends. We started off in Auckland to visit friends, we introduced Felix to our baby group friends who we got to know when Jarvis was a baby. Most of the baby group now have their second babies so it was lovely to introduce Jarvis and Felix to them.

We then headed down to the South Island to spend time with my brother Brenton and his family Donna, Rylee, Kyle and Connor in Christchurch. Then over to the West Coast to see Nanny and Grandad, we also introduced Felix to Nanny's friend Izzy. Izzy was wonderful with Felix there seemed to be a real bond between them!

After the Coast we headed up to Tapawera to stay with my sister Tracey and her family Scott, Grace, Luke and baby Kate. Kate is six weeks older than Felix, this visit was also our first introduction to Kate. She is a beautiful wee baby and it was wonderful to see them together, we have the same photo of Jarvis and his cousin Grace who is 7 months older than him.

While in Tapawera we had a BBQ with more of the family being my Nana & Grandad Saxon, Auntie Mary, Uncle Ian, cousins Joel, Mitchell and Mia and Auntie Trina.

It was wonderful to introduce Felix to his family, its wonderful for the boys to spend time with their cousins and to know where they come from, we had a GREAT holiday!!!


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