Friday, January 4, 2008

Felix Update

The saga of the bottle continues, we have now tried Avent, Tommy Tippee and Pigeon bottles and teats all with no joy. My friend Karen has suggested the Nuke brand which we will try next. Felix sees the bottle coming, closes his mouth tightly and pushes it away with his hands, he's a determined wee boy. We will keep trying and let you know how we get on, I'm going to have a day home with him next week and just keep trying without caving him and giving him the boob (well I'll try, I'm not very good at just letting him cry). We have also had a sipper cup suggested which will be our last resort as I return to work in 2 weeks and the poor wee fella will starve!

Everything else is going well with Felix, he is taking to solids well now up to two feeds per day, one at lunch and dinner time. His sleeping is ok, he still wakes twice during the night but the feeds only last 10 minutes so its not too bad.

We went into town today to buy some new clothes for work, it makes returning to work exciting. I have thoroughly enjoyed the last six months being home with my boys and I will hate leaving them but I do love my job and the boys are in safe hands with Lee so it will be fine. The first 2-3 weeks are the hardest as I will miss them terribly and Lee will have to sort out his routine, once we get through those weeks it will be easier.



Shoshana said...

Adriene, have you tried sip cut instead? The one which you have to suck so it doesn't drip all over?

I find it's the only thing which works with Chana because she didn't want anything at all if she can't breastfed, not even if it's hours and hours already since she's eaten. She's 10 now.

Anonymous said...

Hi Adrienne, Lee, Jarvis and Felix
Happy New Year!
All the best when you return to work, your little boy Felix in these photo's is just gorgeous and good luck with the bottle feeding. Big hugs and kisses to Jarvis also!
Amanda, Shane, Boston and Mercedez xx