Friday, June 20, 2008

Dah Does An Update

I've been inspired by Bex's comment that she not only enjoys reading Jarvis Tahi's blog, but also the updates that Adrienne occasionally does on this blog. So I thought I'd get my finger out and do an update myself. I think someone was bitching to Adrienne that we only do regular updates for Jarvis blog site. We'll if they'd like to find me an extra 60-minutes in my day to squeeze in Felix's blog too, then I'd be happy...grrrrrr. I bet Adrienne makes me delete that last bit bit ;o) But yeah, once I've put my pictures onto my PC, resized them, done some red-eye reduction and then enhanced the sharpness, with then the addition of the writing bit, I've taken nearly and hour. But then, I do love doing it.

So what has Felix been up to with his Dad? On Monday and Tuesdays we go out and do stuff, with a special day for Felix being Tuesday when he got his first pair of shoes. It was so cool to see him get fitted. He was very calm and took it all in his stride (pun intended)

We we tend to treat our first weekday, that we have alone together, as an easy going day. This has been useful, as the wee guy has had bit of a cold and some teething problems recently, so an enforced stay indoors has helped him recover.

On Thursday we have a Father and Son day, where we might go into the city and just wander. This Thursday saw us visit the Sydney Aquarium, which Felix just loves, as he gets to dribble all over the glass aquariums. From there we spent some time just playing in the Myers and Davis Jones toy departments.

Friday mornings are when we go to play group, something we've only been doing for two-weeks now. I got so over them with Jarvis, but Felix shouldn't be restricted from going to them, just because they are not my thing. The upside is that I go with our neighbors Vanessa and Nicole and there are a couple of parents, who like us, have their second child, who I know from when we went with Jarvis.

But yeah, I'm really enjoying my time with Felix and watching him grow and develop. He's very determined, confident and wonderful at moving around, tackling obstacles with great ease. I do have to say though, that he does have a tendency to grizzle at me, to pick him up. You'd think his world was falling apart, until I reach down and lift him into my arms. In an instant, he's pointing, grunting and showing me where he wants to be carried. I'm so his bitch!

House Dad.


Bex said...

Lee! You're a blogging machine! I can't even keep up regular posts with one, so big-ups to you and Ade for starting one for Felix in the first place. Keep up the great work - Cole and I do love reading about what you guys get up to :)

Charlie said...

Oh Felix is just soooooo cute and he looks just like you Lee........ not that I am saying you are cute or anything. Love the photo in the bath with the water falling, very sharp!

Keep up the great posts.

Twisted Pixie said...

Hey guys, lovely to see some more photos of Felix and his big brown eyes. Is that a new hairdo Lee?...very new romantics, makes you look 17 again. xx