Monday, June 16, 2008

Felix And Friends

Felix has had a busy week this week, as on Tuesday he went to the Aquarium with his Dah and Jarvis. Felix loves the Aquarium, he just sits and stares at the fish for ages and ages. When Jarvis was at school on Thursday and Friday, Felix and his Dah hung out with friends from our street, Dane and Tahlia. He just loves other kids, his little face just lights up when he spots other kids, and you should see his face when he spots Jarvis. Lee said he tries to kiss all the babies at Jarvis's school, though he does have a tendency to jab his fingers in their eyes and mouths too.

Its been a wet and cold weekend, so we haven't done a lot, but today we did go to the movies to see 'Speed Racer'. However, as per usual, we didn't get to the end of as the boys got bored, with Felix screaming because we wouldn't let him crawl around. There are a lot of movies we have been to see that we are looking forward to them coming out on DVD, so we can see the end of them!

Felix is also in the early stages of walking now and is getting ever bolder. He can move quite comfortably between furniture, with the distance he's brave enough to attempt, getting greater each day. He'll be giving Lee the run around very soon.

Felix's cousin Kate turned one this week, she is 6 weeks older than Felix so that means he is fast approaching his first birthday - I can't believe he is going to be one already, I'm sure it took much longer for Jarvis to turn one!!!


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