Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Four Months On

Its nearly been four months since we last updated Felix's Blog, I was talking to my sister on the weekend and she commented that 1. we hadn't updated Felix's Blog and 2. Felix doesn't really get a mention on Jarvis's Blog. The reasons for this are 1. most days we are just so tired and 2. Jarvis's Blog is about him. I know its no excuse and we should do this more regularly which I will now endeavor to do.

See as follows photos of Felix, he is developing beautifully with trying to walk at 10 months old. Jarvis walked at 10.5 months old and it looks like Felix may be the same, he is very cute furniture surfing. Lee said he attempted a few steps yesterday so it doesn't look like he will be long.

Felix is the most excellent eater, we have always struggled getting food into Jarvis even as a small baby having to coax him along the way. Felix however is completely different he will eat anything he can get his hands on. If Jarvis leaves food on the floor or on his table Felix makes a beeline for it and hovers it up. It helps encourage Jarvis to eat his food quickly before the hover gets it!

I've now been back at work for nearly five months, I'm loving being at work as I love my job but it is hard being away from my boys. Felix has a lovely week with Monday and Tuesday with Dah and Jarvis and then Wednesday to Friday with just his Dah as Jarvis goes to preschool. On his days with just his Dah they wander into town, to the Aquarium which Felix just loves, he sits in front of the fish tanks watching the fish for ages.

He's now talking away, Mumma, Dah etc and he is the happiest wee man which you will be able to see from his photos below - we are very lucky to have two such beautiful wee boys!! No, I have three beautiful boys Jarvis told me yesterday, Jarvis, Felix and Dah - how cute is that!!!

Sorry we haven't updated this for so long, we will attempt to do this more.


1 comment:

Twisted Pixie said...

Lovely photos :-) xxxx