Thursday, September 6, 2007

Felix The Hurricane

We've had a lovely relaxing day at home today, as we had a shocker of a night, so decided it would be a good idea to stay in.

Felix had his first trip to the hairdressers yesterday, as my hair was in a desperate need of colour and a cut. He sat on my knee looking around, smiling at Jess our hairdresser. You can take them anywhere at this age as he can't yet move and so long as there is a boob close he's happy enough! (Just like his Dah - Lee)

Today Felix has just been having loads of cuddles. This morning he slept on his Dah for over an hour, while I had the time to do some cleaning, which was great. We then had a visit from Vanessa and Dane from down the road, so Felix got more cuddles.

We received an email from our good friend Sally saying there's a hurricane named after Felix already We are hoping he isn't a hurricane, but rather a nice relaxed little boy. Time will tell I guess.

Felix received some lovely gifts yesterday from his Uncle Brenton, Aunty Donna and cousins. See below the wonderful buzzy bee top and All Blacks cap; don't you hate it when parents dress kids up for a photo, 'I'm not a doll mumma!!'



Adrienne & Alyssa said...

He is getting so big!

You have two beautiful (handsome!) boys.

Adrienne :)

MaryL said...

did the mini ABs watch saturday's match with his daddy?

I keep my position : he'll rock as an AB!
Enjoy the world cup from Down Under -we'll tour NZ together in 4 years :P

Bye bye!