Sunday, September 16, 2007

Wine In The Park

On Saturday we had a lovely picnic in the park with our friend Sally in Balmain, where both Sally and I enjoyed a glass of wine. This is the first glass I have had since having Felix and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but as per usual, after not drinking for so long, I couldn't of had too many as 1. my tolerance is reduced to nil and 2. I'm breastfeeding, though I did slowly enjoy the glass I had!

On the subject of drinking when I started breastfeeding, I had some 'nursing tea' given to us by our neighbour Sarah. The nursing tea assists with the production of milk. I know the breastfeeding is going OK, as I have mentioned before with Felix growing and always having wet and dirty nappies, but thought I would try and keep up with the nursing tea just to be sure. I have been looking around the health food shops for this tea, but to date haven't had any luck. I did however discover a shop in Leichhardt and asked for some nursing tea and she gave me a tea called Baby Tea, saying it was the same thing. When I got home with the tea and Lee read the box, we discovered its actually tea for babies from 2 weeks old. How funny is that, giving babies tea? I thought I would still try the tea anyway, as it said its for settling babies and surely this can't do any harm. What I have discovered though is, that every time I have had a tea my milk production has increased to the point that my boobs are huge and leaking everywhere. Sorry for being so descriptive, but this is the first time this has happened and I thought it was hilarious. When I mentioned this to my sister this morning, she said I should offer myself out as a wet nurse, as I'm producing so much milk. Imagine, people use to do this, breastfeed other babies!!

Felix is going well, still suffering from wind - we can still be up for 1 1/2 - 3 hours in the night with this, which is lovely, but apart from that he's great, smiling, talking being very cute!!



Anonymous said...

Felix looks gorgeous! I see in the photo in the park your wine looks a lot like an Oyster Bay, although cant see if its a Sav or Chardy, but still good to see, if I am correct, you are drinking NZ wine. The Aussies just don't make a good white do they!


Anonymous said...

Felix looks so cute :) Hey, have you tried the good ol' gripe water on Felix? It worked for my three kids

Shosh said...

Adriene, I noticed when I eat a lot of lettuce, my babies get gas. Maybe it's the same for Felix?